Letting go of your prized burdens…


​A few years ago, Paul, an elderly friend of mine share his harrowing account of running to escape the Russian army during World War II. Beside him in the mass of terrified people was a mother carrying her infant child and dragging a heavy suitcase behind her. My kind friend offered to carry the baby, but the woman begged him instead to pull the suitcase. Just as he reached down to oblige, a strafing of machine gun fire mowed down all those standing. My friend was the only one to survive.

Some time later, Paul opened the suitcase to find it filled with the silver this unfortunate woman couldn’t leave behind.

So I ask… What prized burden have you been lugging along that might need to be left behind? Toward what experience of freedom are you being invited that is slowed by some weighty attachment to the past?

The biggest eclipsed moon of our lifetimes will happen ‪tonight. But what does that have to do with living fully alive in our bodies and beings? Eclipses collapse time. Lunar eclipses — as the moon goes from full to dark to full — accelerate a nearly 30-day process into about 3 hours. If we’re aware, we have a rare opportunity during the darkness to consciously connect and release obscured patterns that may not serve forward motion in our lives. As the moon returns to full, we can physically sense and more deeply come to know what’s emerging into the light of our awareness.

In this equinox/eclipse time of massively shifting energies, we are being propelled to let go, like the trees are doing with their leaves — in order to allow ourselves to be in sync with the changes that are happening all around us.

And surely we’ve been given signs, just as the coloring of the leaves and cooling temperatures give us an unmistakable indication of autumn’s coming. Perhaps a sticky interaction with someone or a relationship’s disharmony is insisting upon a greater dose of your truth. Most likely your body is signaling you about the changes that are in order. 

When you really tune in to any subtle levels of tension, you may get in touch with clear information about the shifts you are being invited to consider. Is something out of balance in your diet or sleeping rhythms? What’s true that you’ve been ignoring? This eclipsing full moon might just provide you with an ideal occasion to listen more deeply to the wisdom of your body.

Please don’t miss tonight’s opportunity to dance with the moon’s powerful energy. But if you do, this entire week will hold powerful potential for real change. Say yes to this invitation. In the energy of these strong forces, make an intention to realign yourself with your life’s purpose.

Decide what’s left in that heavy suitcase you may still be carrying, and choose to let it go. Step into the light that will illumine you when you’ve been freed to live you’re authentic life. Just like Paul, you’re still alive! Make the most of it!

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